martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

My personal opinion about technicality English

I honestly do not think it's relevant to use only on certain occasions the technicalities of English (such as jargon), as only replaces one word in Spanish, one in English and just for the simple fact that sounds "nice". However if, it is used in a context where all participation and conversation is completely spoken, written and visual in English, I think if it is really important to my work environment. As it is more decisive and more effective in demonstrating my proficiency and knowledge of the language. In order to pursue new opportunities both in the workplace and personal goals.

My Family Pictures

Tareas touchstone arcade

Vocabulario de inglés

I do not know. I think she is sick in her home.                 SICK = ENFERMO/A
No, he is not here. Maybe he is at work                    MAYBE = QUIZÁS
He is over there. I think he is asleep!             OVER = SOBRE               ASLEEP = DORMIDO
Where are my glasses? They are not on my desk            DESK = ESCRITORIO
They  are on the desk, under your coat Brown         UNDER = DEBAJO      COAT = ABRIGO
She is my favorite Singer. Her voice is amazing      SINGER = CANTANTE     AMAZING =                                                                                                                                          ASOMBROSA

My favourite actor is Johnny depp. His new movie is great              GREAT = ESTUPENDA

Opinión personal acerca de las evaluaciones realizadas durante el semestre de inglés

En cuanto a las evaluaciones de inglés considero que estuvieron de acuerdo a las materias pasadas y sin mucha dificultad en cuanto a la resolución de estas mismas. Además de  que las evaluaciones  “juego de roles” fueron ser muy lúdicas y entretenidas, la mejor manera de aprender este idioma que me encanta y que no dejaré de practicar hasta que sea mi segundo idioma natal.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

My opinion about internet

I think that internet is a bad tool for the people, becouse almost Young people are enclosed in this ciber world leaving aside their loved ones and your best friends, to enter this world and forget the most important of which are his loved ones.
Now  if  we look it from a technological perspective this tool opens the door to a better future in education and in the área of healt to a best future for the people and environment in the world. Every think can be possible if this tool is used to improve the lives both of us like the planet and not locking us into a world where you can not really touch or feel what we say or express .

Resultado del test CHAEA

In my test the results are the follows: